So I just rediscovered I have this blog... its been 4 years since my first post and wow has a lot changed.. and then again a lot hasn't...
I read my past posts and first thought "wow that was one messed up sad strange girl" and I laughed at her comments about who she was with, because let me tell you, she was very very very wrong! And then I also realized how similar me and that past girl still are in ways, in ways that I do not like...
So i suppose this is when i give you a summary of all that has happened in the past four year... but i feel you might barf from the drama and movie like scripting of it all... so to say the least--i hurt myself, was hurt by others, made some huge choices and nobody should ever have to make, and then in the end of it all fell in love with my best friend--see i warned you it would be dramatic and sappy.. :)
in less than 8 weeks i marry my best friend and i couldn't be more excited or more terrified and feeling helpless and horribly wrong for him... but yet he reassures me its right... hmm sounds familiar, hopefully in 4 years i wont read this one and laugh again....
so my goal is to restart writing on here, but dont hold your breath, i may not return again for a long time.. i guess you will just have to wait and see...
signing out..
heavy as a feather, with rain in my heart <3