take for instance an fairly innocent girl who in her middle school years was far too trusting of said humans... in turn she was touched in ways she wishes so deeply that she hadnt been.. she finally stops having to deal with these people... then one sudden day in her final hell of a year in high school she stands at her locker, getting her coat when she hears a fimiliar nasty laugh and a hand that is harsh upon her body, as the same fingure as before looms over her, the laugh spreads through the entire male group as they pass, she shutters and turns.. locking eyes with the looming figure, his eyes burn into hers and tear her apart slowly, knowing the power he has on her... she quickly looks away as tears fill her eyes and slams her locker shut and runs for refuge at her piano...
why do people have to be so cruel? does it really feel all that great to have the power to terrify another? does it really make you feel whole to tear someone apart with their own thoughts?

sometimes i wonder what it is that you seen in me...
"to trust is to commit assisted suicide of the brain and heart"
Heavy as a Feather♥ with a flittering heart
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